Web Security Services

Influencer and Brand Protection

We protect your brand and customers with a top solution in the cyber security industry, designed to defend against fraud, forgery and online attacks. We ensure the protection of your brand, regardless of whether it is the WEB, SOCIAL MEDIA or APPLICATIONS.

What is Brand Protection?

In short, you make sure that your organization and reputation is protected from the malicious actions of hackers. This means you have advanced security measures that prevent unauthorized access, data theft and other harmful activities, so you can operate with confidence and maintain the integrity of your brand.

Why is Brand Protection important to your business?

Without an effective "shield" to protect your brand, you are exposed to significant dangers in the online environment. Fraudsters can take over and create fake accounts that use your identity and brand image, thus deceiving customers and seriously damaging your reputation.

Key benefits of Brand Protection


Holistic protection of your online brand involves identifying and taking measures to stop the unauthorized use of your name, logo, brand messages on the Internet and more. The goal is to prevent abuses and maintain the integrity and reputation of your brand in the digital environment.


We remove accounts or content that imitate your brand on the Internet. Whether it’s online stores, digital ads, social networks or mobile apps, we’re here to protect the integrity of your brand.


Renumitul expert în branding si autor Marty Neumeier afirma: „Brandul tau nu este ceea ce spui tu ca este. Este ceea ce spun ei ca este.” Practic, asta înseamna ca nu controlezi toate aspectele brandului tau. Asa cum a mentionat David McLeod mai sus, acest lucru poate fi deosebit de provocator online, unde nu poti controla intotdeauna modul in care brandul tau este folosit. Insa aici intervenim noi, prin analiza bazata pe inteligenta artificiala, eliminarea automata a continutului si implementarea unei politici usor de utilizat, te ajutam sa iti protejezi mai eficient integritatea brandului tau.

Key features of Brand Protection

We identify and eliminate fake sites

Have you ever calculated how much the losses caused by those who use the reputation of your brand for malicious purposes cost you?
Our artificial intelligence solution examines millions of websites daily to detect imitations of your brand, identifying and removing phishing sites, online stores and other fraudulent platforms.
How do we solve the problem? By injecting bait data into their sites, disrupting their activity and exposing their identities. We offer quick fix solutions by removing fake websites and blocking them in search engines, having experts ready to intervene.

We protect your brand on social media

On social networks, scammers can easily create profiles that infringe your copyright and use your brand fraudulently.
Today, it is crucial that businesses are always alert and protect their brand against these threats.
How do we help you? We offer continuous monitoring of social media platforms to detect and eliminate accounts and messages that imitate your brand, regardless of whether it is a business, you are an influencer or a key person in a company.

We identify and eliminate fraudulent mobile applications

Mobile apps and browser extensions that mimic trusted brands are quickly becoming a favorite of scammers. Why? Because they are effective and people install them.
We identify and remove fake mobile applications and browser extensions that imitate your brand on the most popular online stores.
HOW DOES IT WORK? We scan all new apps published on popular third-party app stores to identify fraudulent ones. When they are identified, we remove them before they are downloaded by the victims.

We identify and eliminate fake sites

Have you ever calculated how much the losses caused by those who use the reputation of your brand for malicious purposes cost you?
Our artificial intelligence solution examines millions of websites daily to detect imitations of your brand, identifying and removing phishing sites, online stores and other fraudulent platforms.
How do we solve the problem? By injecting bait data into their sites, disrupting their activity and exposing their identities. We offer quick fix solutions by removing fake websites and blocking them in search engines, having experts ready to intervene.

We protect your brand on social media

On social networks, scammers can easily create profiles that infringe your copyright and use your brand fraudulently.
Today, it is crucial that businesses are always alert and protect their brand against these threats.
How do we help you? We offer continuous monitoring of social media platforms to detect and eliminate accounts and messages that imitate your brand, regardless of whether it is a business, you are an influencer or a key person in a company.

We identify and eliminate fraudulent mobile applications

Mobile apps and browser extensions that mimic trusted brands are quickly becoming a favorite of scammers. Why? Because they are effective and people install them.
We identify and remove fake mobile applications and browser extensions that imitate your brand on the most popular online stores.
HOW DOES IT WORK? We scan all new apps published on popular third-party app stores to identify fraudulent ones. When they are identified, we remove them before they are downloaded by the victims.


1 – Collects We collect global information across the entire surface, deep and dark web to identify brand mentions, trademarks, and logo usage

2 – Analyzes We analyze and process millions of data points through machine learning, computer vision, and logo detection tools to identify potential brand abuse

3 – Alerts We alert you to targeted threats, including impersonations on social media, trademark infringement, offensive content, and abusive use of the logo

4 – Automates We automate the withdrawal process to quickly report and eliminate brand threats before they reach customers

5 – Safeguards We protect your brand reputation and customer engagement online

ISO Certification

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