Web Security Services

Website Malware Removal & Protection

Don’t let your website’s reputation and SEO suffer because of a compromise. Our dedicated incident response team uses state-of-the-art technology and offers excellent customer service, quickly and efficiently cleaning malware and viruses from your website.

Built for all platforms and custom site

We remove Malware Programs & Viruses

Remove Website Malware

We safely remove any malicious code from your site's file system and database and restore it completely.

Remove Blocklist Status

Websites with security warnings lose 95% of their traffic. We send blacklist removal requests on your behalf.

Repair SEO Spam

SEO spam keywords and SPAM links damage your brand. Is your website displayed correctly in search engines?

Prevent Future Attacks

The firewall (WAF) installed by us blocks attacks by filtering malicious traffic. Basically, we stop the attacks and speed up the performance of the site.

How We Remove Website Malware & Viruses

Platform Agnostic

Your website is safe with Uptrust CyberSec, regardless of the platform you use. We fix any malware infection and we specialize in open-source content management systems.

Automatic and Manual Cleanups

We scan your website for malware using advanced scripts and tools. We manually check every aspect to ensure that no threat goes undetected.

Fast Response Times

We have a very fast response time for your emergencies. Choose a plan that suits your needs and talk to us to learn more about our service and how we can help you.

Unlimited Cleanups

We successfully manage complex malware infections. Each plan covers your website for one year, including cleaning, unlimited pages and databases.

Reliable Support

We are here for you 24/7/365. Consider us an extension of your team, ready to help you with any website security issue.


Web traffic is malicious


Websites are hacked daily


DDoS attacks increase yearly


Guaranteed protection

Your own security team to depend on!

We’re here to help. Get in touch

We’re here to help. Get in touch

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x  Powerful Protection for WordPress, from Shield Security
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Uptrust CyberSec